Plant extracts, Vitamins and Minerals

Plant extracts, Vitamins and Minerals

Echinacea flower extract is a natural immune system booster and a natural substitute for antibiotics stimulating leukocyte production and working similarly to the protein interferon; it suppresses the reproduction of viruses and other intracellular parasites, clears the lymphatic system, reduces the length of the flu and common cold, increases the body’s defenses against various viruses. Echinacea products serve to model the immune system, as bactericides against viruses, improve cellular micro-circulation, they have anti-inflammatory properties being more effective than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are perfect for detoxifying the blood. Echinacea is beneficial in case of intoxication, it removes poisons and toxins from the body.
Clinically proven as an effective treatment for the common cold. It is a potent natural antioxidant. It helps treat asthma, strengthens immunity, helps fight off the ever changing flu virus, the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, improves circulation, helps atherosclerosis patients, has a calming effect on the nervous system. As an antioxidant it prevents weight gain, regulates gut function, prevents gut spasms, nephritis, formation of kidney stones, breaks down existing kidney stones. Contains flavonoids, the glycoside sambunigrin, essential oil, choline, alkylamines, organic acids, mucilages and tannins, vitamin C and carotene.
- Helps treat asthma;
- Strengthens immunity;
- Helps fight the ever changing flu virus, the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism;
- Improves circulation;
- Helps atherosclerosis patients;
- Has a calming effect on the nervous system;
- Prevents weight gain;
- Regulates gut function;
- Prevents gut spasms, nephritis, formation of kidney stones, breaks down existing kidney stones.
Linden flower extract is used in case of respiratory illness. Linden flowers strengthen the body’s natural defenses and immunity. Help against the common cold and flu. Recommended in case of runny nose and cough. Linden flowers are beneficial for respiratory health, relaxation – both mental and physical well-being, healthy sleep, the immune system, they have antioxidative properties. Linden flowers are simultaneously calming, as well as stimulating, they reduce headaches, digestive issues, diarrhea.
- Positive effect on the immune system and the body’s defenses, reducing oxidative stress;
- Mitigates symptoms of the common cold;
- Softens a dry cough;
- Prevents sleep disorders, promotes healthy sleep;
- Reduces tension, anxiety and promotes relaxation;
- Lowers high blood pressure resulting from nervous tension;
- Sweat promoting and diuretic properties;
- Relieves headaches and migraines;
- Reduces panic attacks;
- Protects the liver;
- Antimicrobial and antifungal properties;
- Antidiabetic effects;
- Reduces the absorption of fat by blocking the enzymes (pancreatic lipase) responsible for fat hydrolysis.
One of nature’s richest sources of antioxidants. Aronia are low in sugar, high in pectin, especially high in vitamin P and C, they contain vitamins B2 and A, carotenoids, minerals etc. A real vitamin P bomb. It can be used as a source of vitamin P in case of asthenia, anemia, atherosclerosis and the initial stages of hypovitaminosis, and also as an overall organism strengthening agent, it is prescribed for thyrotoxicosis patients. Expands blood vessels, reinforces blood vessel walls and reduces their permeability. A clinical study has found that it reduces headaches, improves sleep, increases performance, regulates arterial blood pressure.
- Helps strengthen the organism in case of asthenia, anemia, atherosclerosis and the initial stages of hypovitaminosis;
- Prescribed for thyrotoxicosis patients;
- Expands blood vessels, reinforces blood vessel walls and reduces their permeability;
- Reduces headaches, improves sleep, increases performance, regulates arterial blood pressure.
Rosemary leaf extract is a natural painkiller that successfully deals with various joint and muscle pains, throat aches, headaches, toothaches and other types of pain. The valuable compounds found in rosemary make it one of the strongest antioxidants in the world. The antiseptic properties of rosemary help with the common cold and help fight the flu and viruses. Improves memory and increases concentration. Rosemary leaf extract improves cardiac function, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, improves circulation and protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis. Rosemary is recommended for patients post-surgery, in recovery from serious illnesses, overloads, as well as to prevent and delay blood vessel damage in the brain, for treating strokes and for heart health.
- Improves respiratory health;
- Promotes digestive tract function, promotes secretion of digestive juices;
- Promotes fat metabolism;
- Prevents bloating;
- Promotes the body’s natural defenses thanks to its antimicrobial properties;
- Neuroprotective properties;
- Antioxidative properties;
- Antithrombotic properties;
- Promotes discharge of excess fluids from the body;
- Antidiabetic properties;
- Increases energy levels;
- Improves immunity, especially for people who do not eat enough protein or who are deficient in antioxidants.
Lemon balm extract has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is an effective remedy against herpes. Also used as a calming agent. Contains high levels of rosmarinic acid, which acts as a GABA transaminase inhibitor having a mild antistress effect. Contains citral, geraniol, high in ascorbic acid and carotene, contains caffeic acid, oleanic acid, tannin and vitamin C. Lemon balm works as a calming agent. Used for regulating cardiac function, against anemia, colic and the common cold, insomnia and headaches. Helps against depression and has both a calming and energizing effect.
- Promotes calmness;
- Helps regulate cardiac function;
- Helps against anemia;
- Reduces colic;
- Helps against the common cold;
- Effective remedy for insomnia and headaches;
- Helps against depression;
- Simultaneously calming and energizing effect.
Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps create and maintain mucous membranes and collagen, strengthens blood vessel walls. It is a commonly-known fact that use of vitamin C can decrease the duration and severity of upper airway infections by up to 50%, especially for people performing hard physical work or spending lengthy periods of time at low temperatures. Vitamin C supplements can also help reduce the duration of rhinitis. As it turns out one of the main threats to vitamin C reserves is UV radiation. Therefore, vitamin C supplementation is more important in summer than any other season. Because vitamin C is accumulated in the skin, large amounts of it are destroyed in the fight against the effects of the sun.
- promotes activity of immune cell (neutrophils, lymphocytes, phagocytes) and antibodies;
- supplementation of vitamin C reduces the duration of head colds;
- reduces oxidative stress in the body, which is a cause of heart disease, heart attack, certain types of tumours and cataract;
- large amounts of immune cells are accumulated, thus protecting against free radicals produced by the body itself and guarding against self-destruction”;
- supplementation can decrease the duration and severity of upper airway infections by up to 50%, especially for people performing hard physical work (including marathon runners, skiers) or spending lengthy periods of time at low temperatures;
- increases the level of interferon – an antiviral substance;
- can reduce severity of allergic reactions;
- people living in cities and industrial districts, especially children, as well as smokers are less subject to risk of accumulating lead if the body has high levels of vitamin C as it can block absorption of lead in the intestines and help expel it from the body with urine;
- can ease the course of bronchitis or bronchopneumonia for the elderly;
- reduces constriction of the bronchi following physical exertion, characterised by a cough, pressure in the chest, wheezing, also pronounced exhaustion;
- accelerates degradation of histamine (a substance involved in inflammation development) in the blood.
Vitamin C is necessary for:
- proper metabolism;
- reduces exhaustion and fatigue;
- long-term use improves vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) for people with coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, normalises cholesterol levels, reduces blood pressure, reduces risk of coronary heart disease for healthy people, as well as diabetics (500 mg per day);
- restores vitamin C levels for people using hormonal birth-control containing oestrogen or aspirin users.
It is also known as the anti-infection vitamin. It is necessary throughout the year for skin and mucous membrane (eyes, airways, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract) health and functioning. Skin and mucous membranes (eyes, airways, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract) are our first line of defence against infection. Vitamin A deficiency leaves the body susceptible to respiratory, eye, gastrointestinal, urinary and genital infections, as well as prolongs their duration and severity, because it delays normal restoration of mucous membranes after illness.
- necessaryfor skin and mucous membrane (eyes, airways, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract) health and functioning;
- necessary for proper functioning of immune cells (killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils, T and B cells) and production of antibodies;
- deficiency reduces the body’s ability to fight off respiratory infections;
- deficiency prolongs duration and severity of infections as it delays restoration of mucous membranes after illness;
- deficiency reduces the body’s ability to fight off parasites;
- long-term use can reduce inflammation in the lungs and bronchi.
Vitamin A is necessary for:
- insufficient amounts of vitamin A in the diet have been linked to reduced bone density in the elderly;
- vitamin A in combination with iron reduced anaemia better than taking iron or vitamin A separately;
- necessary for converting stem cells into red blood cells;
- acute or continuous deficiency leads to xerophthalmia – dryness of the cornea of the eye, ridge formation and scarring in the retina, blindness.
Did you know that mucous membranes in the eyes, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, as well as tears contain chemical substances that fight microbes? For example, saliva and tears contain a-defensin and histatin, so-called antimicrobial peptides, which cannot be created without vitamin D. Vitamin D levels have a serious impact on immunity – most cells in the immune system have vitamin D “receptors”. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to increased susceptibility to infection. People with low levels of vitamin D (<30 ng/ml) are much more prone to upper respiratory disease. Lowered levels of vitamin D are also related to higher risk of contracting the flu.
- for the functioning of the immune system, because it activates and amplifies functioning of immune cells;
- needed for production of antimicrobial substances (alpha and beta-defensin) in saliva, tears and sweat;
- low levels of vitamin D (<30 ng/ml) are linked to an almost 40% higher risk of upper respiratory disease;
- low levels of vitamin D are linked to higher risk of contracting the flu;
- low levels of vitamin D are linked to increased risk of autoimmune disease (multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis);
- vitamin D helps fight off various infections and inflammation.
Vitamin D is necessary for:
- bone and dental health;
- muscle function.
Vitamin B6 is necessary for biosynthesis and metabolism of amino acids, which are the building blocks of basic proteins in the immune system, such as cytokines and antibodies. Studies have found that in order to achieve the maximum benefit of B6 for the immune system it needs to be moderately supplemented, while mega-doses will have the completely opposite effect. B9 (folic acid) and deficiency also affects the immune function as these vitamins are necessary for DNA and RNA synthesis.
- for the functioning of the immune system– promotes and strengthens the functioning of immune cells;
- deficiency delays production and activity of immune cells;
- effectively fight against respiratory infections;
Vitamin B is necessary for:
- reducing exhaustion and fatigue;
- homocysteine metabolism;
- normal blood production;
- normal psychological function;
- energy producing metabolism;
- normal functioning of the nervous system;
- cell division;
- regulation of hormonal activity.
- for the functioning of the immune system – promotes growth, maturing and functioning of several immune cells (B, T, lymphocytes, killer cells etc);
- pronounced zinc deficiency results in massive decrease in immune cell activity and antibody production;
- an antioxidant – it protects immune cells from oxidative stress, working in synergy with vitamin C;
- taking a zinc supplement within 24 h the appearance of initial cold symptoms can reduce the symptoms, as well as the gravity and duration of illness;
- seniors with even a minor zinc deficiency are more susceptible to virus infections and allergies, which can be corrected by taking a zinc supplement;
- for children supplementation with zinc can lower susceptibility to acute respiratory infections by 15%;
- zinc deficiency is linked to slow healing of wounds.
Zinc is necessary for:
- proper vision;
- acid-alkaline metabolism;
- metabolism of macroelements (carbohydrates, fat and protein);
- brain function;
- healthy bones;
- healthy skin, hair and nails;
- fertility and reproduction;
- blood testosterone levels.
- for the functioning of the immune system – in case of iron deficiency anaemia cell immunity improves and frequency of infection decreases after taking additional iron;
- vitamin C promotes absorption of iron.
Iron is necessary for:
- energy producing metabolism;
- production of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
- preventing exhaustion and fatigue;
- cell division process;
- transporting oxygen throughout the body;
- brain function.
- for the functioning of the immune system – selenium deficiency can lead to decreased immunity, increased susceptibility to viruses and cancer;
- for protecting cells against free radicals – selenium is part of glutathione peroxidase and other cell antioxidants in the body’s internal antioxidant system.
Selenium is necessary for:
- energy producing metabolism;
- connective tissue health;
- spermatogenesis;
- healthy hair and nails;
- functioning of the thyroid.
- for the functioning of the immune system – copper deficiency causes neutropenia – an abnormally low count of neutrophils (immune cells);
- in case of copper deficiency, additional use of it raises B cell (immune cells) count;
- protects cells against oxidative stress.
Copper is necessary for:
- connective tissue health;
- energy producing metabolism;
- functioning of the nervous system;
- hair and skin pigmentation;
- transporting iron throughout the body.