What can trigger IBS?
It is not possible to pinpoint a single cause of IBS; it is usually a combination of physiological, psycho-emotional, and environmental factors
Prolonged stress
Daily issues
Sleep disturbances
Anxiety, depression etc.

one capsule 5 actions²
- improves overall gut health
- reduces the frequency and severity of diarrhea
- helps relieve occasional constipation
- reduces excessive gas buildup in the intestines
- decreases the frequency and severity of bloating²
What can trigger IBS?
It is not possible to pinpoint a single cause of IBS. It is usually a combination of physiological, psycho-emotional, and environmental factors.
Prolonged stress
Daily issues
Sleep problems
Anxiety, depression
one capsule five actions²
- improves overall gut health
- reduces the frequency and severity of diarrhea
- helps relieve occasional constipation
- reduces excessive gas buildup in the intestines
- decreases the frequency and severity of bloating²

BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ combines five targeted and specific bacterial strains. Not all strains have beneficial properties, so it cannot be assumed that the same species with an untested strain will deliver the desired effect
Not all probiotics are the same.
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ is easily identifiable by its strains. Strain identification is crucial as it highlights specific properties and benefits proven in gold-standard clinical studies
Only patented strains
Registering bacterial strains involves eight critical steps, beginning with the assessment of bacterial viability and culminating in a clinical research base demonstrating safety and efficacy
Production standards
The bacterial origin is the United States. GMP and ISO certified – BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ is produced according to the highest quality standards
What does the science say?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often linked to a reduced number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus bacteria in the gut, as well as impaired gut-brain axis interactions. These disruptions can lead to gut discomfort, mood disturbances, and stress. Together, these factors contribute to IBS symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and anxiety.
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ contains five clinically effective strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, replenishing the missing bacteria in the gut. Additionally, the unique L. paracasei Lpc-37® strain enhances gut-brain interaction, often impaired in IBS patients, manifesting as mood disturbances and anxiety.
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ combines five targeted and specific bacterial strains. Not all strains have beneficial properties, so it cannot be assumed that the same species with an untested strain will deliver the desired effect
probiotics are different
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ is easily identifiable by its strains. Strain identification is crucial as it highlights specific properties and benefits proven in gold-standard clinical studies
Only patented strains
Registering bacterial strains involves eight critical steps, beginning with the assessment of bacterial viability and culminating in a clinical research base demonstrating safety and efficacy
Production standards
The bacterial origin is the United States. GMP and ISO certified – BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ is produced according to the highest quality standards

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Yes, probiotics can help alleviate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Studies show that probiotics can improve gut microbiota balance and reduce symptoms such as bloating, pain, gas buildup, and diarrhea or constipation, which are commonly associated with IBS.
Probiotics, particularly those containing various Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, support gut health and strengthen the immune system by helping to restore microbiota balance in the gut.
To achieve effective relief from IBS symptoms, it is essential to choose probiotics with specific strains that have clinically proven benefits. Only such probiotics can provide tangible results. It is important to note that the effects of different strains can vary significantly, so even probiotics of the same species with untested strains may not be effective.
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ features targeted probiotics designed to alleviate IBS symptoms, recognized in the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) guidelines.
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ combines five clinically studied bacterial strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM®, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Lpc-37®, Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07®, Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04®, and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019TM.
These bacterial strains have clinically proven positive properties, with therapeutic effects specific to each strain. [6]
The bacterial strains in BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ are included in the WGO guidelines. [7]
High concentration of five bacterial species per capsule: A single daily dose of BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ provides 30 billion bacteria in one capsule. Their efficacy has been demonstrated in both preclinical and clinical studies conducted according to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines. [7]
Based on clinical studies, BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ delivers results in two key areas:
– It addresses functional gastrointestinal symptoms [6] caused by IBS.
– The unique L. paracasei Lpc-37® strain reduces stress by positively influencing gut-brain interactions. [8]
1. Fermentation of dietary components:
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ probiotic bacteria ferment prebiotics and other dietary components, producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These SCFAs play a key role in promoting gut health.
2. Production of SCFAs:
The bacteria produce primary metabolites (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) during fiber fermentation. These versatile molecules modulate host physiology, enhancing gut health by influencing motility, visceral sensitivity, secretion, and gut barrier integrity. SCFAs also play a role in regulating intestinal motility.
3. Restoring microbiota diversity:
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ effectively increases the number of *Bifidobacterium* and *Lactobacillus* bacteria. This is particularly important for IBS patients, who often have less diverse microbiota with reduced levels of these beneficial bacteria.
4. Gut-brain axis interaction:
The unique L. paracasei Lpc-37® strain produces neurotransmitters that influence mood, emotions, and cognitive functions. These molecules impact the bidirectional gut-brain axis, which connects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with the enteric nervous system (located in the gastrointestinal tract). [8]
1. Initial improvements within 14 days:
According to clinical studies, BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ addresses functional gastrointestinal symptoms caused by IBS, with noticeable improvements reported after just 14 days of use.
2. General gut health improvement:
85% of study participants reported an overall improvement in gastrointestinal health after 30 days of use. [6]
3. Reduction in diarrhea frequency and severity:
75% of participants experienced a decrease in the frequency of diarrhea episodes. [6]
4. Relief from occasional constipation¹:
74% of participants reported a reduction in constipation frequency and severity.
¹Note: Not intended for chronic constipation. [6]
5. Reduction in excessive gas buildup:
Most participants reported improvements by day 30, with reduced abdominal discomfort, heaviness, and bloating. [6]
6. Decrease in bloating frequency and severity:
By day 30, a significant number of participants reported less abdominal discomfort, heaviness, and bloating. [6]
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that causes abdominal pain or discomfort associated with bowel irregularities and altered stool patterns—diarrhea, constipation, or alternating between the two. [1]
Abdominal pain in IBS often resembles cramping with varying intensity and periodic flare-ups. The location and nature of the pain can differ significantly, ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms may worsen with emotional stress or meals.
Patients with IBS frequently report bloating and excessive gas, manifesting as flatulence or belching. [3]
IBS is also one of the most common reasons for visits to general practitioners. Many IBS cases go undiagnosed, or the diagnosis takes years, during which the patient’s quality of life deteriorates. No single cause of IBS can be identified; it is typically a combination of physiological, psycho-emotional, and environmental factors.
Science is at the core of BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™.
The bacterial origin is the United States, sourced from a leading company in clinical research employing over 1,000 scientists worldwide.
Patented strains only:
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ includes exclusively patented strains. Registering bacterial strains involves eight critical steps, starting with assessing bacterial viability and culminating in clinical research on safety and efficacy.
Produced to the highest standards:
Manufactured under GMP and ISO-certified conditions.
Vegan and vegetarian-friendly:
BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Free from unnecessary additives:
The product contains no sweeteners, artificial colors, lactose, gluten, salt, yeast, GMOs, preservatives, or animal-derived ingredients.
Suitable for individuals following a FODMAP diet.
Convenient and innovative:
Thanks to advanced lyophilization technology, BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ capsules do not require refrigeration, making them easy to take on the go.
Strict quality assurance:
All bacterial strains in BIOTIC GASTRO IBS™ undergo rigorous verification to ensure compliance with protocols, guaranteeing safety and quality. This process ensures the viability of the strains throughout the shelf life and even beyond.
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Tas ir ZELTINA un būs aktīvs līdz pat gada beigām.
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🧴Krēmi, veidoti pēc īpašas tehnoloģijas un ir unikāli ar sastāvā esošo, dabā spēcīgāko antioksidantu formulu. Veicina dinamisku ādas šūnu aizsardzību un atjaunošanos un pilda trīskāršu pretnovecošanās funkciju: atjauno – aizsargā – ārstē.
🧴Antioksidanti astaksantīns, likopēns, jeb tomātu sēklu eļļa nodrošina spēcīgāko ādas aizsardzību pret oksidatīvo stresu, ārstējot ādas mikroiekaisumus, atjaunojot ādu šūnu līmenī, tonizējot nogurušu ādu, kā arī izlīdzinot esošās grumbiņas un aizkavējot jaunu rašanos.
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❤️par 82% dziļāka mitrināšana
❤️par 64% mazinās smalkās grumbiņas
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Tā kā pati C vitamīnu lietoju, tad padalīšos ar Jums par jaunumu no
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Pateicoties LYL premium C ilgstošai izšķīšanai, tiek novērsts kuņģa kairinājums un mazināta potenciālā alerģiskas reakcijas iespējamība.
Uztur augstu C vitamīna koncentrāciju asinīs.
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LYL premium C pasargā šūnas no oksidatīvā stresa, līdz ar to āda saglabājas jaunāka, palīdz atjaunoties ādas šūnām, piedalās kolagēna sintēzē, kā arī palīdz apturēt un novērst dažādus iekaisuma procesus organismā, jo ir dabisks antioksidants.
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Uztura bagātinātāji neaizstāj pilnvērtīgu un sabalansētu uzturu.
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Kādi ir Tavi mīļākie komforta ēdieni❓
Mainoties sezonām, izklaidējoties mājsēdē vai tieši otrādi - ceļojot, mēs bieži vien atļaujamies vairāk un varbūt varbūt ne tik veselīgus ēdienus. Tas var novest pie vēdergraizēm, vēdera pūšanās, gastrīta saasinājumiem. 😬
Kā arī, vai zināji, ka sejas ādas veselība ir tieši saistīta ar kuņģa zarnu trakta veselību?Tāpēc es lietoju probiotiķus regulāri, kursu veidā vairākas reizes gadā. ✨
Un protams, ka es sev izvēlos vislabāko 🔝 Probiotiķis LYLBIOTIC ir Latvijā efektīvākais, jo LYLBIOTIC vienā kapsulā ir 28 miljardi baktēriju un 9 dažādas baktēriju sugas, kas, kā apstiprināts pētījumos, veicina labvēlīgo baktēriju veidošanos zarnās, uzlabo gremošanu, palīdz nodrošināt normālu vielmaiņu, novērš aizcietējumu rašanos vai tieši pretēji, ir iedarbīgs pie visa veida caurejām.
Kāpēc vēl izvēlos tieši LYLBIOTIC?
✅ Ērts lietošanā, jo jālieto tikai 1 kapsula
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✅ LYLBIOTIC bagātināts ar prebiotiku inulīnu - ūdenī šķīstošu šķiedrvielu, kas ir probiotiku barības viela un veicina labo baktēriju augšanu un aktivitāti, kad tās nonākušas zarnās.
Parūpējies par savu veselību arī Tu - šobrīd LYLBIOTIC pieejams aptiekās ar -20% atlaidi.
@samantatina & LYL love your life® LYL premiumC 🍋
🇱🇻Lokdauns. Nomācošs laiks gan mentāli, gan fiziski. Tieši šādās situācijās sev ir jāpievērš vēl lielāka uzmanība iespēju robežās! Mūsu ķermenis nesaprot šīs ārējās pasaules noteikumus un uzstādījumus tāpēc par savu mentālo un fizisko veselību ir jārūpējas dubultā! Es C vitamīnu esmu lietojusi, kopš sevi atceros un nekas mani nepārliecinās to pārtraukt darīt! Tas rūpējas par manu veselību un arī apziņa ir mierīga, ka par to rūpējos, šajā tik ļoti neprognozējamā laikā! 🙏
👗@selinakeer thanks @maija_armaneva
🇬🇧Lockdown. Depressing time both mentally and physically. It is in such situations that you need to pay even more attention to the limits of possibilities! Our body does not understand the rules and settings of this outside world therefore for its mental and physical health and must take double care! I have been using C since I remember myself and nothing will convince me to do so! It takes care of my health and also the consciousness is calm that I take care of it, in such a very unpredictable time!🙏
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